Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ho Chi Min City (Saigon), Vietnam

Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam
After arriving in Ho Chi Min City I walked around a bit, but it was just too hot. It was rather quiet since it everybody was celebrating Tet, also known as the Chinese New Years. People get 3 days off work and everything closes, less of course the touristy areas, bars, restaurants, etc. We met up with the new people on our group and they are quite different than all the others. There are 4 in total, 1 is a guy Canadian ER Resident, 2 are sisters from Jersey and about 65 yrs old, and the last is a woman from Boston who is teaching English in Cambodia.

At dinner I had fried tofu with lemongrass and chili (holy shit it was hot), also I had 2 beers and 2 shots of tequila (as did many others). Afterward all the younger travelers and our guide, AJ, took a walk and reserved a room for karaoke. We only sang American music tunes. Most people chose slow music but I choose Brick House by the Commodores and Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. I don't ever sing and I managed to prove that to the other, how unfortunate for them.

During our way back a couple of us stopped to get a Vietnamese Sub from a street vendor. These are known as Bánh mì and cost 10,000 Dong (which is about $0.60).

We said our goodbyes to those leaving the trip and then went to sleep. This morning we took a private tour bus to see the Cu Chi Tunnels. These were a network of elaborate tunnels the Vietcong used during the Vietnam War.

We leave for Nha Trang around 20:00 tonight and spend the night on the train. We are set to arrive in Nha Trang in the early morning. I just read that it's one of the most beautiful bays in the world. They also have a delicacy their known as bird's nest soup. This is something that I just have to try. Tomorrow should be a nice day of relaxation on the beach.



  1. Hi scott Just to let you know the picture of the street vendor did't show up on your last post; the space was blank. I hope you enjoy your beach day and remember to have worn your sun screen, I know , I'm such a mother!!!Were all the shops closed for Tet while in Ho cho Min? I can imagine that would be disappointing if they were. Talk to you soon. Love Mom

  2. Hi Scott,
    Great blog and photos. We feel like we are with you on the trip.Allexcept the heartburn from the chilis. I guess you still eat all that
    s..t that we warned about but, thats your choice. Still use some discretion. Yeah, im an old f..t and you are a young stud so have a helluva great time and enjoy it. Love, Papa

  3. Thanks for all the advice guys...but all the food I eat off the street is still cooked...of course I will be Much MORE careful while in India. I am posting this from my Ipod so I will get another "real" posting up
    Soon when I get to another computer!
