Saturday, January 31, 2009

Suit and Shoes in Hoi An, Vietnam

Suit and Shoes
I got myself a suit, shirt and sandals . I was lucky enough to actually meet the two girls that made my suit and my shoes.



  1. Scott I like the suit it looks good. What do you think of the Vietnam women?

  2. Hey there Frosty. They can be cute, but many have bad teeth. The Thai women are much prettier and so far the Cambodian women too.

  3. Hey scott,You look handsome in your suit.But I can't help that I am reminded of that Sienfield episode when He meets Elaines father and he is wearing that bright pink lined coat! I still find it interesting that you continue to eat all that bizzare food and you still complain about my chicken satay! Glad to hear Vietnam is a more enjoyable place in these new regions you are visiting. Keep these vivid and amazingly descriptive posts coming !!!! Love Mom

  4. Hey there, I just had a great dinner and am now in a bar. Every place here has free internet. I had grilled whole squid tonight. Very delightful. I ate some wierd looking fruit at some side market tonight. I'll updat my blog when I have a chance. We are taking a long ass train ride tomorrow. We leave at 330 and don't get to Hanoi until the following morning. Not looking foward to that... I'm trying to spend as little money as possible, because that suit put me back QUITE alot of money, since I ended up shipping it back to the states via AIR mail. 60 some us dollars for shipping,.. You should get it in 2 weeks max. I shipped my suit + 2 long shirts back and a northface backpacking bag.

  5. Scott, someone is using your Facebook account saying that you were robbed and that you need money sent to a London Western Union address.

    I know they contacted Aunt Jill, Brett and Phil York so far. Shawn is trying to put a hold on your FaceBook account.
